Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kids are great...

So here I was on my computer doing the usual things (checking email, looking on the news websites, etc) when my daughter walks in the room and just sits down on the couch. After a minute or two of her just sitting there talking to her self I suggested that she go play in her room with her brothers. Now this is where the great comes in. She says, "No daddy, I don't want to." This of course begs the question why. And the response that made my day, "I want you daddy" in her ever so sweet little voice. :) That is what she tells me when nothing else in the world is important to her and all she wants to do is sit beside me, give me a hug, and talk to me about those things that interest three year olds. Mainly the subject of tonight's conversation was wormy (that is it's name today anyway) her purple rubber worm that goes everywhere with her. I must say, she really loves wormy (formerly snoopy). But, as you know the substance of the conversation isn't important, or not nearly as important, as the great feeling from knowing that you mean so much to your children that being with you and talking to you is more important than anything else in the world to them. As many parents know, sometimes getting the kids to just sit and spend time with you is like pulling teeth. Children, by nature, love to run around playing with things and using their imaginations. They like to color and play; and rather than stop playing to spend time with you they want you to play with them. That is how my children are anyway. So when I get an opportunity such as that one, of course I will drop everything to sit down and spend time with them just talking about our days, and of course wormy.

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